Now that your shop is all set up, it’s time to create your first experience!
Wandaura offers you a high-functioning booking tool that empowers you in every detail of your working calendar. You can choose everything from your holiday times to adjusted pricing for different seasons.
The following tutorial is here to help you use this incredible tool to setup your first experience. Remember, if you speak English, please create your service in English. The advert will be automatically translated into Spanish if necessary, but it won’t be translated the other way round.
You are in the right place if you want to register:
- an individual session
- an online session
- a group session
If you are looking to sell a spot on a ceremony or retreat that last for more that one day, we advise you to follow the guide: ‘Setup my retreat’.
- To start, let’s select ‘booking’ on the left and then click on ‘Add New Booking Product’.
2. Choose a title for the experience you are offering. For example: Astrological Reading.
3. Tick the box ‘virtual’ if you are able to offer this service online. Note: you are only able to offer online options through Wandaura if you are able to receive money online from foreign account. Whether with a bank account that can receive dollars, or using a third party service like Paypal.
Unfortunately, due to Argentina’s regulations, we cannot take responsibility for the payment service between you and the customer. The customer books you through our platform, pays their commission to us and pays you separately from Wandaura.
4. Choose a category for your product amongst the ones available. If you are not sure, we recommend you to check our ‘categories definition‘ page.
5. Select the language you offer your services in using the tags options.
6. On the right, you can upload a picture for your service.
7. Scroll down and here you can choose the duration of your session. In our example, the session lasts 90 minutes.
8. Unfortunately, the confirmation option is currently disabled. We are working on implementing this. However, this means that you should be very clear and precise when setting your dates in the calendar, as clients will be able to book you during these times, without your confirmation.
9. If you want to offer cancellation to your customer, then click the cancellation box and you will be able to choose an acceptable cancellation period. You can ignore that box that says ‘enable calendar range picker’.
10. Scroll down to enter your availability, if you can have more than one booking per block (session), choose here how many. This would make it a group session.
In our example, we are going to keep the maximum booking per block at 1.
11. If you want people to book a minimum time in advance you can set how many days. This avoids having someone booking you the same day for example, without giving you time to recharge or prepare.
12. If you want to restrict people booking more than 3 months in advance, then you can select 3 months in the maximum booking window.
13. If you prefer to take a rest after your session, you can set up a buffer period that will allow you to take a break after each session.
14. If you want a break after AND before, then click ‘adjacent buffering’.
15. You can choose one of two options to set up your work agenda. The first one is to make all time slots available and then restrict your availabilities in the times that you don’t want to work. The second is to block all your availability and specific time slots when you are available and ready to work. Note: You will only be able to accept bookings when you are open and available. Select an option that works for you.
At this stage you can ignore the ‘attribute’ function.
In the following tutorial, we are going to work with your availabilities open. We know that you have already set some general work hours when setting up your store, but these ones refer specifically to this experience that you are currently advertising. You will set availabilities for each different product you wish to sell through the platform. You can ignore the ‘Check rules against’ box.
16. Select the time you want to start your first session.
Here you can choose precisely, when you are available or not available.
17. Select exactly when you are available and unavailable using the ‘Range type’.
For example, let’s say we work all week from 10:00 to 19:00. In these times, people can book this specific service.
Now let’s say that you want to go on holidays during the Christmas period and in July.
The priorities allow you to define what is the most important. The lower the number, the most important it is.
In our example, the person works every day of the week from 10:00 to 19:00 but because the priority of Christmas week and the month of July is lower. Then the service won’t be available during that time.
17. Setup your price in the block cost, as shown in the example. Set your price in USD. You will have the option to charge in a different currency at the end.
18. As a practitioner you may want to make your prices seasonal. For example if you know that January is high season, you may want to increase your prices for this period. You can do this by selecting a range of month, then select the month of January and add 30 dollars to its service, as demonstrated in the image below. If you don’t want to adjust your prices, you can leave the ‘range option’
19. When there are multiple spots available in your experience, you should select ‘Has persons’ and choose the corresponding amount of spots.
You can select how many people maximum.
20. Then click the box ‘multiply all costs by person count’.
21. Select the option “count person as booking” so that the number of seats available decreases as more and more people book your service
22. Additionally, you can charge different prices for different groups of people by clicking in the “person type” to create adults and children and give them a different price.
For example, Here we add an adult with a cost of 50 dollars, and the children cost 40 dollars. You can also see that the number of children is limited to 5.
In the following boxes, you can introduce this specific experience you are selling here.
23. The ‘Description’ box is for full details. It is important to be specific and descriptive about what is included to entice the customer. For example, if you are selling a yoga session in the mountains, you should write how long the session will be as well as any extras that are included: 1 hour yin yoga session followed by 30 minute walk through the stunning sierras where we will finish by sharing some mate by the river. You should also include what they should bring with them, anything that they should know about the specific service and, of course, your preferred payment methods (bank transfer/cash/paypal/other?).
24. The ‘short description’ box is for a summary of your service- include the key moments of the day, the moments that people will gain most value from.
Should you not be an amazing writer, we can suggest tools like ChatGPT to help you generate a great description, however it is also important to be as authentic so you stand out from the crowd, therefore we recommend using a combination of both.
25. If your event is happening at a different place from your company’s registration address, you can unclick the geolocation setting ‘same as store’ and provide in the product location the address of where the event or experience is happening.
If you don’t want to give the exact location, you can give the location of something close by (within 2km) but you must remember to send them the exact location after the customer has been booked.
The product status can be set to draft, which will allow you to save your product without sending it for validation.
26. The purchase note is something that will be sent out to every customer when they book this service. Therefore, write a generic message thanking them for their booking and any key information that they need to remember for this event. For example: if you are advertising a yoga event, your purchase note might say ‘Thank you for your booking. I look forward to sharing this experience with you at this [exact location]. Please remember to bring a mat, a bottle of water and a towel on the day. I would also like to be paid with cash. See you soon!’.
27. Your service is complete, send it to us for review by setting your product status to ‘Pending Review’ and clicking save product.
28. Your service has been sent to us to review ! You can check its status on the product page. Please know that, before your service will be promoted on our platform, we will contact you over the phone to validate your product.
Congratulations on setting up your first service on Wandaura !
Welcome to our family, we thank you for trusting us and hope we can help you make your practice thrive!